​​​Links to some of my recent academic work, including books, articles and interviews. ​
My most up to date list of publications can be found at my University of Edinburgh page here​
'"It's a Social Thing Not a Nature Thing': Popular Music Practices in ReykjavÃk, Iceland", Cultural Sociology, special issue on The Social Spaces of Music, 2014.
"The Plural iPod: A Study of Technology in Action", Poetics, Vol.42, Issue 1, February 2014: 22-39. (With a short presentation and discussion of the findings at The Conversation).
Two entries on Paul Virilio - "Original Accident" and "Ground Zero" - for The Virilio Dictionary, edited by John Armitage, Edinburgh University Press, 2013.
Digital Sociology: Critical Perspectives, edited with Kate Orton-Johnson, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013, including "Introduction" and "Afterword: Mediating the Digital", 2013.
"Bourdieu and the Sociology of Music Consumption: A Critical Assessment of Recent Developments", Sociology Compass, 7: 3, 2013: 181-193.
"Musiques Populaires en Regime Numerique: Acteurs, Equipements, Styles et Pratiques", Réseaux, 30: 172, 2012: 67-90.
​Interview for M3 Music Event, Maastricht, April 2012.​